School, the world of work and us

As of November, cooperation with the world of school starts again according to the logic of the “work-related learning programmes”. The programme has taken on a new name (it is now called “Pathways for Transversal Skills and Orientation”). In essence, it is a teaching methodology whose aim is to help students become more aware of their personal aptitudes through the combination of theory and practice. An approach to knowledge that helps young people choose their future career choice. An effective way of answering the crucial questions of adolescence: what will I do with myself? What profession will suit me best? How can I be of use to others and to myself?

Studying in “Corte Briantea”

The “Falck” State Professional Institute for Commercial, Tourist and Social Services in Sesto San Giovanni has sent us an interesting training project; it involves a period of training that will take place through meetings with experts from the world of work, guided visits to a number of services in the area, and a four-week training period in the facility. The project aims to develop and strengthen two types of skills: technical-relational and technical-cognitive ones. The first concern the ability to carry out their functions according to the criteria of teamwork in a multi-professional team, interacting positively with people in various work contexts; the second concern the in-depth study of the organisational aspects of the local socio-educational and social and health services.

November to February

The internship is divided into three different time sections, starting in November and ending at the end of February 2022. Each training section will involve 4 students. Safety will be ensured by both the green pass certification and swabbing carried out once a week.
We will find out what these young people have learnt at the end of the project. However, we are certain that our grandmothers and grandfathers will benefit greatly from the presence of young minds and faces.
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